You need to start with a nice smooth coffee or espresso concentrate. You don`t use regular brewed coffee or you will end up with a more bitter and watered down version. Cold brewing takes away the acidity and gives you a more smooth taste. Here`s how I brew up a batch of iced espresso:
I ground up 1 cup of beans. Right now I'm using Starbucks dark roast espresso. We store the unused beans in the fridge to keep them fresh. You could use regular coffee grounds too (1/2 cup coffee for every 2 1/2 cups of water)
I dump it all into my glass pitcher and fill it with cold water. I used about about 6 3/4 cups of water. Give it a stir to make sure all the coffee is covered and mixed. Then I let this sit over night (at least 9 hours) You could do a shorter sit period of a few hours. The longer you leave it the stronger it gets. In the morning I pour the mixture into my french press to strain all the grounds through. You can store the concentrate in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. It never lasts this long in our house. A batch for us only lasts a few days!
Finish with your ice and its ready to enjoy. I know there is a lot of coffee snobbery out there haha The way I explained is just the way we like iced espresso right now ;)
6 3/4 cups water to 1 cup espresso beans seems like a lot of water. I made my first batch of cold brew espresso last night using 3/4 cup espresso beans & 3 cups water.....And mine still doesn't seem concentrated enough like true espresso shots.....Hmm, what gives?